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Welcome to Chilwell School

Share, Care, Believe, Achieve


All about: Safeguarding | Healthwatch Kingston

Chilwell school is proud to offer a safe environment for our students. Safeguarding is at the heart of our work and OFSTED recognised in May 2018 that "a culture of safeguarding permeates the school."

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please do not hesitate to contact one of the designated safeguarding team via the main school office.


Designated safeguarding lead

  • Mr G Jay

Assistant designated safeguarding leads

  • Mr D Phillips
  • Mrs S Baxter-Williams
  • Gary Taylor

Safeguarding officer

  • Mrs C Pell

Further information on all of our school policies and processes can be found here.

In addition, the specific safeguarding policies are below:

Whole school child protection policy

Safer recruitment policy

Visitor Policy

Child on child abuse policy

Anti-bullying policy

Online safety policy

You can also find some links to information and support via these website links.




Mental health




Eating disorders


Drugs and Alcohol



Broxtowe Women's Project

Online Safety


Children & Young People Mental Health Services in Nottinghamshire

Nott Alone Mental health advice for young people- anger, anxiety, bereavement, bullying, low mood and depression, body image, being a young carer and other issues: Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. | NottAlone

Be U Notts is a free, accessible, and convenient mental health and emotional wellbeing support service for Children and Young People between 0-25 years of age and their parents/carers. Be U Support | Free Mental Health Service for Children and Young People.   

Contact number 0115 7080008

Childline  1- 2-1 counselling and they can give help and support around whatever is worrying you.

Help line 0800 1111

Chat Health – confidential text service for young people to ask for help about a range of issues or make an appointment with a health practitioner.

CASY Counselling - provides a confidential counselling service to young people aged from 6 to 25 years within Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

Contact number 01636 704620 

Health for Teens - emotional health and wellbeing advice for teenagers provided by the NHS. It includes topics relating to self-harm, eating disorders, sexting, bullying, relationship, diet.

Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support and online counselling and forums for young people, includes strategies on self-harm.  

Mental Health Foundation -  A guide for parents and carers to help children understand, protect and sustain their mental health

MindEd -  includes a range of topics that can be worked through including top parenting tips. If you scroll down and click 'Common problems' you can access information such as feelings & emotions, anger & aggression. 

Young Minds - is a really useful website which has a lot of information for parents who are worried about the wellbeing of a child.  

helpline 0808 802 5544


**PLEASE NOTE** Calls may be monitored or recorded for training and quality purposes.