School reunion!

Having been contacted last month to see if we could accommodate a visit of ex students from 1972, we didn't realise what a celebration it would turn into!
It was an absolute honour and privilege to show round some of the wonderful teachers and students from the very first couple of years of Chilwell. The stories and memories filled the corridors once again of what things used to be like. The joy and laughter shared on that evening of friends reuniting after such a long time and the successes of individuals who have travelled the world but started at Chilwell was wonderful to hear. Thank you for sharing those memories. Thank you for still loving Chilwell. We do.
What had started as a small affair turned into a visit of over thirty ex students and staff. We visited all areas of the school and heard tales recounted from the first years of the school, eventually ending up in the bistro and spending time together looking over school archives of the period.
We hope to accommodate further requests for visits!