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Welcome to Chilwell School

Share, Care, Believe, Achieve

Guidance and FAQs

Please follow the link to view the 'Welcome to Chilwell Information Pack' that should answer any questions you may have. We also have addressed the questions asked as part of the transition process.

Transition questions

If students need additional help from teachers in subjects how and when does this happen?

The school has a range of support structures to assist students with their learning. As well as the main class teaching, we have a learning support department, teaching assistants and mentors to support students.

What are the timetable plans for year seven in September?

Our day pattern is made up of six lessons, with some timetabled in double blocks. Breaks and lunch occur at 9.50am - 10.10am and 11.50am - 12.40pm.

How will students/parents find more information about their form tutor?

Mr Hobbs has a number of activities planned to allow students to be able to find out more about the school, their year group, and other students in their tutor group. Parents will meet their child's form tutor at the induction evening on 11th July.

What support is in place for EAL students, and how is this accessed?

EAL and language support is provided through individual and small group language support. 

What are Primary schools R4S pack activities?

These are activities that are available via the primary school to assist students with the process of transition. There are a number of activities that help prepare the students for secondary school education.

Where can I find more information about the Chilwell school system? Will there be a class teacher? What is the timetable for Y6? What subjects will be taught?

Information on the curriculum can be found here on the website.

What is the food on offer and how is this purchased?

We use Nottinghamshire schools catering service and menus are available on our catering page.

What are the bus routes and timings?

The travel information for Chilwell is available via our website

How is homework set-computer based/paper based?

Homework tasks are set in class and are available on google classroom for every student.

When is my child visiting the school site, how will her level of anxiety be managed?

We have a clear programme in place with tutor group support and a range of support staff to support and guide.

How do we manage/deal with ongoing social media issues when they spill over into school?

We are firm in our expectations and our actions. We also ask parents to be very clear with expectations. This is a reminder that parents should remind themselves of the guidance that no-one under the age of thirteen should be using social media.

Are students provided with a map to help them navigate the school premises?

Part of the induction process is a navigation activity and we have lots of staff available to support on transition days and the start of term.

Do pupils study French and German in year seven?

Students will access both languages before moving into a study of a single language from eight onwards.

Are pupils expected to wear uniform on transition days?

Their own primary school uniform.

When will pupils be aware of their tutor group allocation?

Letters will be issued to all students before the end of the summer term.

How many GCSEs will pupils take?

Students will take eight or nine qualifications, depending upon their curriculum pathway at key stage four.

How many pupils are there in tutor groups?


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