25th March 2022

There have been further successes in sport this week as well as our preparation for year eleven and thirteen assessments next week.
There have been further successes in sport this week as well as our preparation for year eleven and thirteen assessments next week.
The final set of assessments will be taking place in the week commencing 28th March and we will then start the final preparations for the external examinations. Thank you again to all of our students and their parents and carers who have worked with us to ensure that our students are as well supported as possible. We hope that these assessments will be useful in preparation for the national examinations but at present we will need to continue with ensuring the assessment materials are retained and kept securely in school in case they are required.
We will be issuing the draft exam dates for all subject papers on Thursday next week and this will be updated once we have returned after Easter with specific room and seat numbers so that students can be fully prepared for the examinations.
Next week our year twelve students will be attending the UCAS exhibition in Derby. We also held a session for a number of our year eleven students this week to start the process of considering the world after A levels and future planning.
Extra-curricular activities
Please see our reports on our sporting activities as Chilwell continues from success to success. In addition, we have our own songwriter entered into the Song Academy Young Songwriter competition. Romy is a talented writer and performer - have a listen here!
Y11 fund-raising
Our students are always fantastic at fund-raising and they are starting the processes of raising money for their prom. This year they are also raising money for Ukraine and have a non-uniform day planned for the 29th April.