28th January 2022

A range of points to mention in the blog this week, with links to a number of news items and developments from over the last week.
Year eight parents/carers evening
We spoke with parents and carers of year eight students on Thursday night, to update them on the progress of their children, It was good to meet with a number of parents and I appreciate all the positive comments that were made regarding the care and support that we are giving students. The next term will come quickly and it will be an opportunity to consider the specialist courses that students may want to follow in year nine. The evening to launch this is planned for the 9th June and further details will be issued closer to the time.
Dropping off and picking up
A repeat of my plea please to drop off and pick up students near the all weather pitches rather than on the double yellow lines in the bus parking area. It is always good to see parents in the morning and evening, but the number of cars is clearly a safety issue and parking in the entrance lane to the school adds to the risk for our students. Please can parents avoid stopping in the area which is clearly marked with double yellow lines and a sign.
Year eleven football success
There is a separate news item on the success of our year eleven football team this week, We are now through to the semi final of the county cup. We wish the team every success in this and with hopes for a shot at the title.
Year nine options evenings
We will be issuing details of the year nine options evenings shortly. This will give parents an opportunity to find our more about the process of choosing options for next year. There will be a presentation with Ms Williams and myself on the evening of Monday 7th February, with the opportunity to ask further questions of subject staff on Thursday 10th February. Students already have copies of the options booklet. Please take the time to consider the available courses and the broader KS4 curriculum.
A reminder that this half-term will finish on Thursday 10th February, with a staff INSET day on Friday 11th. We will return to school on Monday 21st February.
Medical consent form
We have updated our arrangements regarding medical consent and the provision of medicines within school. Please can parents and carers check this section so that all arrangements are clear and we can provide support for students where needed.
The school has grown over the past two years and we have a number of vacancies as a result. Please check the vacancies section for further details on the following posts.
- inclusion lead co-ordinator (maternity cover)
- higher level teaching assistant (intervention)
- level 2 learning support assistant
- level 1 behaviour support assistant
Plans for next half-term
Our joint leadership team will be meeting next week to plan any further relaxation of COVID restrictions and the impact this will have on the range of opportunities and experiences at Chilwell school. We will update students and parents further at half-term.