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14th July 2023

As we head towards the final week of term, this will be the last head teacher's blog of the year with lots on which to look back and lots to look forward to next year.

Although sports day was postponed for a day, it went ahead with a wonderful atmosphere of students competing against each other and also cheering each other on. Well done to everyone who took part and to the staff for organising it so well.


Wednesday and Thursday nights were a treat with the school production of Matilda. The students were magnificent and we were pleased that so many people enjoyed it.The arts are a crucial part of a rounded education and the extra-curricular opportunities at Chilwell mean that students can extend their interest in music and drama as well as a wide range of sporting, recreational and academic pursuits. Our programme for next year is available here and we would encourage students to sign up as soon as possible.

Nottingham University language winners

About thirty of our year nines entered the MFL Literature, Poetry and Song Competition run by the University of Nottingham this year, and we have some winners!

Finalists (French):Makena Yau, Haylie Mok. Flourish Ebare

OVERALL WINNER (French): Chloe Roberts

Well done to Chloe for beating so many entrants from schools across the area!

Staff development

In amongst the range of activities this week we also held a meeting on Thursday to share the research outcomes of our teaching and learning groups. Our staff continue to develop their practice and share developments with each other, with other schools locally and with conferences nationally. We are now well known as a school at the forefront of practice and are taking requests for support from other schools across the country.

Examination results

August will bring results days and we are looking forward to welcoming year thirteen students into school on 17th August and year elevens on 24th August to collect their results and confirm places at university / training and sixth form. Results will also be available on line and students have had details of how to access them.

Activities Week

The coming week will have staff and students all over the local area, the country and even abroad as we undertake activities week. We have trips into Nottingham, down to London, residentials in Shropshire and Germany and lots of physical activity. Here's to a successful week.

Finally, thank you to all of our community for the continued support of the school and the work we do. At the end of this fiftieth year, we look forward to ongoing success and development next academic year and the anticipation of the new build which will benefit the whole community.

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