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Welcome to Chilwell School

Share, Care, Believe, Achieve

Term Dates and School Day

2024 - 2025

Autumn Term begins:  Wednesday 4th September 2024 (Y7 and Y12)
Autumn Term begins:  Thursday 5th September 2024 (Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y13)
Half Term: Monday 21st October – Friday 1st November 2024
Autumn Term ends: Friday 20th December 2024
Spring Term begins: Tuesday 7th January 2025
Half Term: Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2025
Spring Term ends: Friday 4th April 2025
Summer Term begins: Tuesday 22nd April 2025
May Day bank holiday: Monday 5th May 2025
Half Term: Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025
Summer Term ends: Friday 25th July 2025
INSET Days Monday 2nd Sept, Tuesday 3rd September, Monday 6th January, Monday 28th July and Tuesday 29th July

2025 - 2026

Autumn Term begins:  Wednesday 3rd September 2025 (Y7 and Y12)
Autumn Term begins:  Thursday 4th September 2025 (Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y13)
Half Term: Monday 20th October – Friday 31st October 2025
Autumn Term ends: Friday 19th December 2025
Spring Term begins: Tuesday 6th January 2026
Half Term: Monday 16th – Friday 20th February 2026
Spring Term ends: Friday 27th March 2026
Summer Term begins: Monday 13th April 2026
May Day bank holiday: Monday 4th May 2026
Half Term: Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May 2026
Summer Term ends: Friday 24th July 2026
INSET Days Monday 1st September, Tuesday 2nd September, Monday 5th January, Friday 13th February and Monday 27th July

2026 - 2027

Autumn Term begins:  Wednesday 2nd September 2026 (Y7 and Y12)
Autumn Term begins:  Thursday 3rd September 2026 (Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y13)
Half Term: Monday 19th October – Friday 30th October 2026
Autumn Term ends: Friday 18th December 2026
Spring Term begins: Tuesday 5th January 2027
Half Term: Monday 15th – Friday 19th February 2027
Spring Term ends: Thursday 25th March 2027
Summer Term begins: Monday 12th April 2027
May Day bank holiday: Monday 3rd May 2027
Half Term: Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June 2027
Summer Term ends: Friday 23rd July 2027
INSET Days Tuesday 1st September, Monday 4th January, Monday 26th July, Tuesday 17th July and Wednesday 28th July

The Chilwell School day  is organised into six fifty minute lessons, with some as double lessons, each 1hr 40 minutes in length. Break and lunch are taken at staggered intervals during periods 1 and 2.

Registration 8:40 - 9:00 am
Lessons 1 and 2 (inc break) 9:00 - 11:00 am
Lessons 3 and 4 (inc lunch) 11:00am - 1:30 pm
Lessons 5 and 6 1:30pm - 3:10 pm
Enhancement sessions 3:20 - 4:10 pm

Day pattern 2024-25


Attending registration is a legal requirement and it is parents' responsibility to ensure students arrive promptly at their tutor room. During registration important notices and information are often given out to the tutor group.

Each year group has a weekly assembly during registration time in the tutor room. Assemblies are a time for us to reflect on issues which concern the school, celebrate our achievements and consider how we might improve.

Please see the specific year group page in the pastoral support section for full details of registration activities and assembly schedules.


Lessons are the most important time of the school day. It is vital for students' future that they receive the best education possible. Students are expected to arrive promptly to each lesson, fully equipped and ready to engage with learning.

Movement Around School

We expect students to behave sensibly when moving along corridors and around school. At Chilwell school, students walk calmly and follow the one-way system.

Break and Lunchtime

At break time, snacks are available to purchase. Dining Rooms are open at break and lunchtime to serve food and drinks, please click Catering for more details.

At both break and lunch time, pupils are encouraged to enjoy our outside spaces.

Pupils are not allowed off-site at either break or lunchtime without prior written permission.

**PLEASE NOTE** Calls may be monitored or recorded for training and quality purposes.