Sixth Form Newsletter April 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians
This is the third newsletter specifically for the parents/guardians of Sixth Form students.
On behalf of the Sixth Form team of tutors, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support. This ½ term has seen Year 13 students begin their focused and dedicated transition to revision. For Year 12 students we have had a focus on attendance. In normal circumstances we would expect an attendance rate of at least 95% for all students. However, we are aware that nationally this is not the case. However, we do expect students to ensure that they attend to the best of their circumstances. At present a significant majority of the sixth form have a good attendance rate. Tutors are working with those students where attendance has been affected by illness and attendance rates will be good by the end of the academic year. However, where we have concerns individual contact will be made at the beginning of the summer term.
Year 13
Post Sixth Form
As stated, the majority of Year 13 students have applied for university and all their applications were submitted before the deadline date. As students begin to receive their offers I know that you are thinking about applying for student loans please see: and Student finance.
Higher apprenticeships are now being released, and we are currently supporting those students who are looking to follow this pathway after sixth form. Every student has been given a careers interview to help them begin to focus on their next steps.
This break is an ideal opportunity for students to prepare in depth for their final examinations. We suggest that they should be undertaking four hours revision each day. The pattern would be 2 hours before lunch; 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour prior to the evening meal.
In order to better target support, the PSHE sessions will be by appointment so that tutors are able to give in depth support and advice as we move towards the end of Y13 studies. It is important that appointments are kept. Students MUST check their emails. Those students who are not being interviewed during PSHE should be using the time for revision.
Year 12
Applying to university/apprenticeship
The majority of students apply to either university or for an apprenticeship at the end of their time in the sixth form. During the next term we will be writing personal statements during tutor time.
Work experience
All students need to try to organise a work experience placement during the week beginning 17th July 2023.
They need to complete the consent form, which can be found on the website.
Tutor time extension
So far this year our extension activities during registration time have been art history (presentation skills) and RE (discussion and debate). The focus for the summer term will be music (analytical skills).
University application
Next term students will be able to book visits for university open days. These dates will be shared during tutor time and they are also available on university websites. These are invaluable opportunities for our students to begin to experience what different universities can offer in terms of provision and the type of institution.
There will be a parent guide to applying to university available after the Easter break.
We are currently running a support group for those students who are considering applying to universities or courses which require an interview.
There is a debating club for those students who are considering applying for law.
During the summer term there will be a drop in group to look at different types of university.
A reminder for all students
All students must attend assembly on monday, we will be contacting parents/guardians if students do not attend.
Currently some students are not attending PSHE lessons, it is important that these lessons are attended.
As you are aware, we are building independent learning skills to help our students manage their learning and meet deadlines. We have been delighted that the majority of students are working with their tutors to build up their skills.
If students are arriving at school outside morning registration they will need to enter the school through the reception gates. Just before the gates there is an ipad screen. It is essential that they sign in using the companion app which has been sent to all students, this means that they can either sign in using their phones if they wish or just use the app to show a QR code to the sign-in ipad screen. This also applies to signing out other than at the end of the day.
Contacts are still:
Year 12
Year 13
Once again, can we thank you for your continued support.