12th January 2024

Welcome back to a new term, with new enhancement activities, discovery day and progress on expanding our accommodation.
Discovery day
Our second discovery day of this academic year will be taking place next Thursday 18th January.
These off timetable days allows us to further enhance to curriculum with visits off site, visiting speakers and extended health and careers education sessions.
We are looking forward to years seven and eight having sessions on personal safety and welcoming some outside speakers. Year nines will be visiting the Space Centre, Leicester for a full day of science and space exploration.
Students in year ten will have a day of careers with outside speakers and mock interviews, whilst year eleven students will be getting their mock exam feedback and a focus on the next stage of revision and preparation for examinations.
Students in the sixth form will have a day focussed on health and wellbeing.
There is a lot of focus on the well being and mental health of students in schools at present. We are pleased to have already extended our support systems so that there is access to mental health support and guidance for all of our students.
Year eleven parents' evening
With the release of the mock results, we also have an opportunity for parents to discuss the next stage of the school year with subject teachers in our online parents' evening on Thursday 18th January. Parents and carers have been sent details through class charts on how to book appointments.
New accommodation
Since the end of last term, we have continued to plan with colleagues in the local authority to expand our accommodation for next year. This partnership work means that we can plan for the further growth of the school and accommodate the demand for places.
Sixth form news
We have lots going on in our sixth form at present, with a range of activities on their own discovery day and lots of great news coming through on offers of places for next year for students planning on going to university. Our school has been recognised as one of the two most successful sixth forms in Nottinghamshire for students gaining places at Oxford and Cambridge and it was a pleasure to get good news on this for our current students this week. More news on our sixth form can be found here.