2nd December 2022

From Monday 5th December we move in to the mock examination season for year eleven and year thirteen students. Students will be expected to be in school for each and every examination on their timetable and they have all been provided with their own examination timetable to ensure they are here in plenty of time.
Examination briefings will take place before the morning examinations and so students should ensure they arrive at school in time for these, as well as checking they have all the appropriate equipment.
University of Nottingham Christmas Lecture
We would normally organise a trip to the Christmas Lecture at the university but this year it is on 20th December, out last day of term.
The lecture will be presented by James Bonnyman, Professor of Engineering Education and Assessment, Professor Ed Lester, The Lady Trent Professor of Chemical Engineering and Sarah Sharples, Professor of Human Factors at the University of Nottingham and Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Transport. If parents are interested in taking their children, please complete the register of interest form and select the "Christmas Lecture." ‘The Future of Transportation’ lecture is designed for students in years eight and above, showing how exciting and diverse the world of engineering is.
Travelling to and from school
Another reminder to please help us in the mornings and afternoons with ensuring that students can get on and off the site safely. It is good to see parents in the mornings and greet them when they are dropping off students, but unfortunately we have a minority of drivers who are hampering our efforts to provide a smooth start and end of the day.
Do not park in disabled bays to drop off students
Do not stop on double yellow lines in the bus area
Ensure you follow the one way system around the car park
Drop off and pick up students only near the green fence on the north side of the car park