9th September 2022

The news of the death of Queen Elizabeth has dominated all other news this week.
In our assembly on Friday we considered our heritage and treasuring the values of our society as we face the future.
Whilst we await further information regarding the impact upon school provision, we will move into next week as we planned, with year group assemblies offering students and staff the opportunity to reflect upon the contribution of Queen Elizabeth to our society and the values of leadership and service.
Welcome evenings
On Tuesday and Thursday we held welcome evenings for parents and families of students in years seven to eleven. It was good to be able to share some of the developments that we have put in place over the summer and the expanded catering, social and enhancement offer for students. The welcome evening for the sixth form will be in the week commencing 19th September.
Open evenings
We are pleased to share details of our forthcoming open evenings. The first, for prospective pupils in years five and six and their families with be on Thursday 29th September from 6pm to 8pm and the second, for prospective sixth form students is scheduled for Thursday 13th October.
We have now completed our first week of the new school year and with the new year comes a few changes to the catering provision at Chilwell School.
We have a new and exciting 'Bistro' that is available for our year elevens and sixth form students within our Lakeview building and new menus across the whole school catering provision. Please follow the link to see our meal of the day options and new price lists on our website.
Excellence in mathematics
We were pleased to celebrate the success of year eleven student Karl Garrison this week. Karl had been very successful in this year's intermediate mathematical challenge, winning gold. We have a significant number of students who are excellent mathematicians and we look forward to further success.
Drama and performance
There are opportunities for pupils to develop their interest in drama and performance through involvement with the youth theatre at the Lace Market Theatre in Nottingham. We have shared contact details for the theatre and if pupils or parents want to follow up this opportunity, please contact the theatre directly.
Arriving and leaving school - dress appropriately
Many parents will have welcomed home a number of rather wet students after Friday's downpour at the end of school. Please try and ensure that students have umbrellas or waterproof jackets if the weather looks to be bad, though I fear little could have protected us on Friday...