2nd September 2022

We have finished this productive (but short) first week back with the opportunity for new students to explore the school and for everyone to start their academic courses.
It was really good to see the excitement and enthusiasm of our new cohorts in years seven and twelve and this was matched by the real pleasure that was shown by students using the activity area, enjoying the longer social time and visiting our new bistro in Lakeview.
Of course we were also busy with starting lessons for the year and this has set us up well for the week ahead.
I am really pleased with the growing numbers in our sixth form. We have seen a significant increase in numbers joining us for A levels and we now have over a hundred and thirty students studying with us in Lakeview.
There are a couple of events to which I would like to draw you attention.
Attenborough Church
On Sunday at 10am, Attenborough church are holding their 'Vision Sunday'. As well as sharing an overall vision for the Church, it will be a time to reflect on what has been at St Mary's and some of the things they are looking to do moving forward.
Part of this will have a focus on wanting to grow their community of young people. Interested young people and their families have been invited to attend.
Welcome evenings for year groups
As last year, we are running a series of short meetings for parents who want to hear about about updates for the new year. We are holding these evenings next week via zoom and will issue invitation codes by WeDuc on the day. You are welcome to attend, with the opportunity to hear about developments at the school and our plans for the year.
Year ten | Tuesday 6th September | 7.00pm |
Year eleven | Tuesday 6th September | 7.30pm |
Year seven | Thursday 8th September | 7.00pm |
Year eight | Thursday 8th September | 7.30pm |
Year nine | Thursday 8th September | 8.00pm |
A similar evening for families of sixth form students will take place in the week commencing 19th September.
These meetings will all be held on zoom. Please test your phone or computer beforehand to ensure that you can use this software. Invitation codes will be sent out on the day of the meeting.
Governing Body
Our governing body meets next week. This is the strategic body for the school and takes the significant decisions that affect the future and the running of the school. We are keen to develop the range of skills we have in the governing body and have some vacancies for co-opted governors. Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
If you are interested in being considered for this role, please contact the school for a discussion with the head teacher.