22nd April 2022

Whilst this week was shorter in days, we still managed to pack a lot in!
Revision and support
We are now just a month away from the summer examination season and students will soon be receiving their final examination arrangements, including seat numbers and study support plan during the examination period. We are looking forward to students having the opportunity to share what they have learnt and we hope that the examination period will be as disruption free as possible. We plan to issue examination times and setting information via WeDuc as well, so the information is always readily available. More information on this and a range of further information including details of the full range of support for students will be issued next week.
Improved facilities
We are in the process of putting in place many of the developments shared with the pupil parliament before Easter. Work has already started on the dining facilities, which will mean greater room for all students at lunchtime and we have a range of initiatives in order to support the transition for students moving from year eleven to year twelve.
Transition - year six into year seven
Next Wednesday we have an evening for parents of students moving from year six into year seven. There will be the opportunity to hear more about the activities over the next few months and raise any questions about the transition process. This will take place online on Wednesday 27th April at 6.00pm. Details have been sent to email addresses that we have for parents of year six students. If you have not received this information, please contact us.
Non-uniform day
A reminder that the year eleven prom committee have organised a non-uniform day for next Friday 29th April to raise money for both the prom and also to donate more funds to the Ukraine appeal.
Drop off and pick up
Another reminder to please ensure that if you are dropping off or picking up students to do this near the all weather pitches and not in the no parking zone which is for school buses only. It is a pleasure to see parents in the mornings and evenings but we have numerous vehicles and students in the same area at the front of school and so consideration is vital.