25th February 2022

As a school we have a rich and diverse community and in this very worrying time, we reach out our hearts to all children and their families who are experiencing the terror of war in Ukraine, the loss of their homes and the heart break of worrying about the welfare of their families. This affects all of us and we are keen to do everything we can to help.
An immediate response is to ask for warm clothing and canned food. We will be able to act as a collection centre and can arrange for the first shipment of warm clothing and canned food to go out on a lorry via the Polish Catholic Church - this is due to go out on Wednesday morning. We are not asking for any cash donations but any clothing that is warm and food that is canned and non-perishable. The full list is below:
- thermal blankets, sleeping sheets, bedding, mattresses (in packaging),
- clothes, raincoats, lingerie for women, men and children,
- cleaning products, diapers for children and adults, braces, towels, brushes and brushes, paper towels,
- plates, cutlery, preferably biodegradable, silicone or plastic,
- masks, antiseptic products,
- bottled water,
- canned dishes, pasta, dried fruit, energy bars, breakfast flakes,
- matches, batteries, flashlights, candles,
- medical equipment kits.
Please if you can, send these into school on Monday and Tuesday and we can ensure they get to the right place.
Covid update
We have updates to the arrangements in place to stay safe from COVID. Please see the news item for information on changes to the procedure and how this may affect your child. Our assemblies have restarted and it has been a pleasure to have larger groups able to share in school messages and fo students to be together with their year leader.
Football success
It has been another fantastic week of success for football - on Monday our year ten team made it through to the semi-finals of the county cup and on Wednesday our year eleven team earned their passage though to the county cup final. A fantastic achievement for our teams and congratulations to everyone involved.
Year seven parents evening
We look forward to the opportunity to meet families of year seven students in our on line consultation evening next Thursday 3rd March. Please ensure that you have booked slots with teachers.
Year eleven and thirteen assessments
The second round of these were completed last week and we continue with preparations for further learning and assessments in the approach to the summer examination season. We are aware of the need not only to challenge students in heir learning but also to support them and assist where there are concerns or anxieties. If these are areas that are of concern, please contact school so that we can provide further support and guidance.
Primary transition and assemblies
Mr Hobbs and I visited our partner primary schools this week as part of the transition process. It is a new challenge for our prospective students in year six and so we were pleased to be able to meet them and answer their questions about the transition to secondary school. National offer day will be on Tuesday and I look forward to further communication with families over the next few months.