7th January 2022

We are already at the end of the week but confident in making the best of our return to school and the opportunity to get back to learning.
Thank you
Thank you to all of our students and parents who again are supporting our request to be prepared for school and wearing masks in all areas inside the building. The restrictions we all face continue to offer challenges but we are grateful for the positive attitude with which our community is facing these.
Vaccination programme
We have already put out a letter to parents asking for consent for the second vaccine or the first if this is appropriate. The vaccination programme, undertaken by the School Age Immunisation Service, will be offering vaccinations to our students shortly and so please complete the consent form via the link in the letter. In order that we can make appropriate arrangements, we are asking parents to complete this by midnight on Monday 10th January.
On Monday we will also be issuing further lateral flow test kits and we appreciate the routine of testing continuing at home.
We will continue to keep a close eye on the number of cases and whether this has an impact on our ability to provide face to face education for our students. Whilst we hope it may not be the case, there is the possibility this term that individual students or cohorts will need to access learning remotely rather than be in school. This may be a result of a surge in cases in a group of students or if we face staffing difficulties and can not have some students on site. We hope neither will be the case and if this situation were to arise we will contact you as soon as possible.
Music Clubs
As mentioned at the end of last term, these will be starting over the next week. Please remind your child if they are interested in attending any of them.
We continue with our high expectations of all students and the term has started positively, just as we ended last term. I would ask for your support to ensure that students are clear that they need to make the best of every day. With the additional pressures facing school this term, I will not want any staff or students losing precious time through inconsiderate actions by others. We all want the school to remain the positive and supportive place it is.
Y11 Parents evening
This will be next Thursday 13th January and will be an opportunity to discuss with teaching staff the progress year eleven students have made and the work that is ahead of us over the next few months. Appointments can be made via WeDuc.
Options - year nine
Year nine students are in the process of considering their options and we will continue to provide advice and guidance. The taster sessions next week will be re-arranged for later in the term so that students have the opportunity for further information and experience of the range of subjects.
Thank you for prompt and clear information that is coming from parents regarding the outcome of lateral flow tests. In order that we have all the information in place, please be specific about the child's name, the date of the test and clarity on the outcome. It will help us all.