5th November 2021

On Monday we welcomed our students back and they are to be congratulated again for the calm, hard-working and positive attitude that they continue to show.
All through the first half-term, in taking tours of parents of year six students, it was clear that all areas of the school had a calm and purposeful approach to work. This has continued this week and so we look forward to another half-term that is full of new learning.
We also have had many responses to activities week and this is a reminder that the choices close at midnight tonight (5th November). Please see here for any further information.
I would also like to remind parents that we do our best to respond to emails and calls as quickly as possible and we aim to respond in twenty four hours during the working week. We can not always guarantee to be able to answer within the same morning or afternoon.
Next week we will be busy with sixth form taster day on Thursday as well as year ten parents evening. Both will be good opportunities for students and parents to receive more information on their future plans and options.
The following Friday (19th November) we will end the week with a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need. Students should come in non-uniform and make a donation of £1.00. Students should also ensure they have their PE kit with them if they have PE that day.
Thank you for your continued support of the school through students taking regular lateral flow tests. We want to ensure that as little as possible is an obstacle to students being in school and enjoying their learning.