25th June 2021

We have a number of school events over the next week which signal that we are moving into the final stages of this academic year and focusing our attention on the start of term in September.
Year eleven farewells
On Monday we will host our farewell assembly for year eleven students. It will be one of a pair of events that marks formally the end of their time in secondary education, with the prom taking place on Tuesday night. We have in place a number of measures to ensure that this outdoor event can take place that keeps students safe and yet also allows them to celebrate together.
Transition - year six into seven
This afternoon, we met with our family of schools to confirm arrangements for transition in the final weeks of this term. The national announcement last week has made it clear that it is not sensible to host bubbles from our partner schools on site, and certainly not mixing bubbles from different primary schools. It is a real shame but we would not want to be responsible for any of our new students and their families having to self-isolate as we reach the end of term. I am delighted, however, that we have quickly prepared an alternative programme which will mean that students in years six and five will have a number of activities held at their primary school to meet some of our staff and undertake activities with us. Year five students will have sessions in a number of subjects and year six students will be able to meet with their tutors and ask any further questions they may have.
Our plans for the new academic year
Our immediate plans for September are clearly subject to the further relaxation of Covid restrictions. At present we plan for our extended lessons to continue, but for teaching to return to the traditional faculty bases, rather than the year bubbles that we currently have in place. We will have, as you would expect, a plan B in place if restrictions continue and so if there are changes before next term starts, we will let you know.
Positive behaviour
I have often praised our students for their positive approach to the circumstances we find ourselves in and their co-operative response. It was disappointing to receive a complaint this week about a small group of students on their way home. We have tried to do so much to ensure that the community is supported. Please could I ask parents to reinforce with their children that our community and our community facilities are to be treasured.
Our governing body
On Wednesday, the governing body will meet for the last time this year. I appreciate all the support that we have been given and I am pleased to welcome our new governors to this group. It has been a challenging year for everyone and one that has tested all of us.
Reminder for parents - drop off and pick up
Mornings and afternoons are busy times for students leaving on foot and we are also aware that there are more parents picking up and dropping off by car. Where this is necessary, please would parents remember to drop off and pick up by the far side of the car park, as requested in the blogs of 27th September 2019 and 11th September 2020. We have faced more and more cars attempting to drop off in the bus area, which is clearly marked as a no drop off place. Please help us keep students safe and pick up in the appropriate area.