14th May 2021
I am really pleased that we have had a number of nominations for parent governors. Please check your WeDuc messages for information on this.
The governing body have a key role in setting the strategic direction of the school and ensuring that we are fulfilling our responsibilities as an educational establishment. Please use your opportunity to vote. The ballot will close at 10.00am on Friday 21st May.
We had the opportunity to meet online as a staff group this week to discuss arrangements for next year. The school continues to grow, so we will be making some changes to class groups as well as refurbishing some classrooms in readiness for the new year. The majority of this building work will take place over the summer break.
The other significant news of the week was the request we made on Tuesday regarding the continuation of the wearing of masks until 28th May. Since making that request we have had further cases and I appreciate the response we have had in asking for your support.
We have seen a number of other schools also make this request and again it was good to see our school recognised on local radio and in the media for taking a clear and principled position. We want our students and community to remain safe.
The last two weeks of our year elevens and year thirteens are about to start and we have been planning the events that will mark their move to the next stage of their education. They have been so mature, reflective and positive in their attitude that I feel very confident about whatever they will take on as their next challenge.