15th January 2021
We are already at the end of the second week of term and I am sure we all have a combination of feelings that time is moving quickly but at the same time we feel like we are standing still.
There are many questions remaining regarding how long we will continue with our remote provision and we will keep you updated through this blog and also through direct communication with parents through WeDuc.
Our provision continues as planned and our faculty leaders, year leaders and senior team met yesterday to review the current provision and address the issues that had arisen.
Online learning
Thank you for ensuring that students are logging on to Google Classroom and Meet on time for their lessons. We are monitoring the attendance and work of students and plan to report back to parents shortly with this information. Please ensure that students arrive promptly and continue to follow all of our expectations of remote learning.
Covid testing
Our testing programme is now underway with staff who are in school and we plan to develop this with students soon, where consent has been given. You may be aware that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has not authorised the Lateral Flow Test programme to be used on a daily basis where there has been a confirmed case. This is because it can give the person tested some false reassurance that they are not a carrier. This obviously has a significant impact on any mass testing programme. We will update you when we have further news. It was a central pillar of the government's intention to have all children back in school and so it may have an impact on when we are able to fully re-open.
It is therefore essential that students continue to work through all the materials they are set and continue with positive habits of engaging with their teacher and class, completing tasks and submitting their work for feedback. We miss you all.
Year eleven and year thirteen students
There is still a significant amount of rumour and speculation in the press as to the arrangements that will be made for the awarding of grades this summer. We hope that proposals will be issued in the next few days, but even then they will be in a consultation period. I share the frustration of students and their parents about the need to continue waiting. However, I would urge you not to make assumptions about what will or will not happen, but wait for the guidance that we will give you regarding what students will need to do. I would like to remind you of what I said last week in my blog about the importance of remaining focused on learning and reinforcing your knowledge. Stay strong - you have the support of the whole staff at Chilwell.
Options - year nine
We have decided to keep the same timeline for the year nine students choosing their options for GCSE study. On Thursday 28th January at 6pm, Ms Williams and I will present the process and guidance at an online meeting and this will be followed on Thursday 11th February with our online options evening where you can book appointments with subject specialists to discuss courses. You can find the options booklet here.
Free School Meal Vouchers
For eligible families, the next issue will be on Monday 18th January for the following two weeks. The next voucher will follow two weeks later. At present the government has said that it will not be offering free school meal vouchers over half-term, but we will be doing so through funding from the local authority. If the situation changes, we will let you know.
Thank you again for the team work in tackling this.