20th November 2020

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the Chilwell school foodbank. It has been great to feel that the school continues to make a positive contribution to our community in these difficult times.
This week was anti-bullying week and we shared the message of the importance of looking out for each other in our video assembly.
Whilst no school can claim to be immune from this kind of unpleasant behaviour, we continue to make it clear that Chilwell school is a place to be safe, to learn and to succeed. We will not tolerate bullying and mean behaviour.
I had the pleasure of meeting with the pupil parliament this week to follow up on the discussions held within student councils. It was so good to listen to this group of articulate young people share their thoughts and views about their school. They represented their year groups exceedingly well.
Finally, I would like to remind parents to reinforce the importance of safe travel to and from school. It is really good to see so many of our students arriving on foot or by bicycle, but unfortunately we have had to deal with a couple of incidents where students have ridden their bikes in an unsafe manner. Whilst we have dealt with these incidents in school, I am sure you will appreciate that it is difficult for us to monitor the travel of students between home and school. Please remind your child to have lights, to ride sensibly and to always be aware of other road users.