5th June 2020

I have been very grateful for the range of art and design work that has been forwarded on to me to build on last week's display.
It is clear that we have students who are continuing to develop creative ideas through their home learning and below are a small selection of these. Congratulations to all of you!
Thank you to all the parents of year ten and twelve students who have kept us informed of their plans regarding our planned re-opening in the week commencing 15th June. We will be in contact next week when we have prepared the teaching schedule so that all students and parents are clear of the day they are expected in and the arrangements that we will have in place.
On line provision will continue for all year groups and we are currently again tracking the engagement of students so that this can inform the discussions that tutors have with parents in the week commencing 15th June.
Thank you again for your continued work on home learning. We appreciate everything that you are doing to support your children with their well-being and their learning so that we can build on this on their return to us.