8th November 2024
It was good to have our community back together again and to be able to help each other after the loss of Omari Thomas during half-term. Our students have been very supportive of each other and sensitive to the needs of others. It has been a difficult week for all, but one in which our sense of community has stayed strong. Thank you to our parents who have supported us through this time.
With our new half-term comes a number of events and the opportunity for parents to obtain information on their children's progress.
Next week we have a parents' year eleven revision session. Mr Moore, assistant head teacher, will go through preparation for assessments and strategies for successful revision for the forthcoming GCSEs. These have been popular evenings for parents in the past and will be online on Thursday 14th November at 7.00pm. We will send out online invitations next week.
In a few weeks time we start a number of online parents evenings as follows:
- Y10 parents evening - 21st November
- Y9 parents evening - 5th December
- Y11 parents evening - 11th January
Trial examinations
Our year eleven and thirteen students will be taking their trial examinations in the final weeks before Christmas. Students have been issued with their timetables and this will give them the opportunity to encounter past papers and use the opportunity as a springboard to the final preparations in the spring term.
Sixth form applications
After our sixth form open evening in the week before half-term, we are supporting students through their applications to sixth form study at Lakeview and where appropriate, college places in the local area. Students will be able to undertake visits as well as have individual interviews with the senior team at school as part of the sixth form application process.
Theatre Royal
On Friday year nine drama students spent a morning at the Theatre Royal, focussing on career choices and with an opportunity for a back stage tour of the theatre itself. It was a fascinating visit and again our students were excellent ambassadors for the school.
Discovery days
We will be undertaking the second of our discovery days next week, with a range of activities for students. Year seven will be involved in activities based around light, year eight will be looking at hidden talents, year nine looking at well being activities for body and mind, year ten on supporting good mental health and year eleven will be looking at revision.
Careers Fair
On 20th November, we are holding a careers fair. The fair begins at 1:30 and will finish at 4:30 to enable parents to attend if they wish. Students in years 10 to 13 will participate in the careers fair. We really look forward to seeing students attending and parents of students in the after school session.
We will be observing Remembrance as usual next Monday with the whole school observing the two minute silence.
Children in Need
It will be Children in Need day next Friday. It will be non-uniform day with a suggested donation of £1.00
Oral health
Year 10 and 11 Health and Social Care students were visited by the Oral Health Nottinghamshire team on Monday. The students learnt about oral health and the correct way to brush teeth and take care of your teeth. This is very topical for the students who are creating Health promotion campaigns of their own on oral health and part of their health and social care GCSE. The students were also given information about careers in dentistry and health promotion to help them with those important next step choices.